Where to begin?

Digital Humanities certificates, programs, and centers are popping up all over the academic world, as many scholars across fields and disciplines realize its potential. But in such a wide and varied field with endless possibilities, how do you even begin teaching digital humanities? What do students need to know initially to get going?

I propose a session that workshops an “Intro to Digital Humanities” course for either/both undergraduates and graduate students. I envision both a Talk and Make session, in that we would pool collective knowledge to build a foundational list of “must-reads,” “must-know” topics, or “must-do” activities/skills to cover. For those who have already taught such courses, what worked well and what fizzled? The goal for this session would be to create a helpful first course that could lead to a wider DH curriculum.

One Response to Where to begin?

  1. Great suggestion. I just came across this article in the Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy, “Teaching Literature Through Technology: Sherlock Holmes and Digital Humanities.” The course uses the Holmes stories as a corpus on which to practice basic digital humanities methodologies and tools, including visualizations, digital archives and editions, mapping (GIS), and distant reading, in order to better understand the texts themselves. Looks like a great way to introduced DH at the undergrad level.
